
 Hello! My name is Claire Montague and I am a sophomore at UAF working towards a degree in Elementary Education. I have always had the desire to be a teacher and be able to teach young children and watch them learn and grow. I have recently started a job as a Pre-K teacher at one of the childcare centers in my area and I really enjoy being able to watch my kids learn new things. 

I have lived in Alaska for the past 9 years, but have also lived in North Carolina, Hawaii, and Germany.  I have learned to love Alaska even though its way colder than I would like in the winter. My favorite things to do is going camping in my parents RV, spending time with family and friends, and baking. 

I am not a artist, but I do enjoy looking at art. My brother and grandparents are really good at art and I love to look at all of the paintings, and sculptures that they make. I also really like to go to art museums and look at all the different kinds of art that they have on display. One of the art museums that I haven't seen but I would like to see one day is the Anchorage Art Museum I want to go to this art museum because it has a lot of Alaskan art and I think it would be really cool to go see the art that people have made about Alaska. 



  1. I hope you do get to go to the museum in Anchorage. I have enjoyed it many times. I used to be on a state arts education board and we met there monthly for several years in the offices of the children's section of the museum. Thanks for the introduction.


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